Friday, January 29, 2021

Making Secondhand more Second Nature

Secondhand stores are vastly becoming well-known, and well-loved, as many young adults have opted for sustainable fashion. Growing up with money a little tight at times, I loved scoring a good find right when I needed it most. However, such stores offer so much more than simply a more affordable way to shop for clothing; they positively impact the community around us. 

At times it's hard to keep in mind all that stores like The Salvation Army, Savers, Goodwill, or Deseret Industries do to help ones to impart good recycling and reusing habits. Many help to inculcate a circulation of reusable items through donation centers located within the building. This does more than aide in the vast amount of inventory readily available daily to thrift shoppers, it assist in keeping pieces such as clothing, jewelry, and household items out of landfills. Along with this, Goodwill stores are able to provide a number of job opportunities, and career assistance programs, freely to those in search of employment by means of each purchase.

Yes, it's important to thrift from these stores, but it's also vital that we give back to them. Utilize Savers fun-drive option as an outlet to raise money for a club, and encourage your peers to reduce, reuse, and recycle. Bring a smile to someone else, by donating your gently used items that you no longer use, or don't fit your style, and give it a second, third, or fourth life. Doing so makes a difference, and grants a world of opportunities for someone in your community. 

All in all, do your best to give a thrift. 

Saturday, January 23, 2021

Snippets + Tidbits About Me

My name is Katia (kah-tea-yah) Goldsberry, and I'm a West Career and Technical Academy 2020 graduate, and a first time student here at CSN majoring in CADD technology. Born and raised here in Las Vegas, I've somehow managed to come to terms with the heat, grown accustom to the predictable, unpredictable weather. Although, I've come to tolerate, and find beauty in the desert, I continue to long for crisp rainy days, dark clouds, and hot tea.

My passion for reading and writing bloomed with the help of my first grade teacher, who presented reading to me as a second world. Since then I've accumulated an assortment of books, notebooks, sticky notes, and weathered pages with dialogue, and brainstormed ideas for my various novellas. Despite the various challenges that the COVID-19 pandemic has brought upon my family and I, we've still managed to find some enjoyment in these new found circumstances. I've shopped from more smaller businesses, added more plants, to my window sill and bedroom, and have began to nurture a love for precious stones and crystals.

Along with that, I've come to know a little more about myself and others. Originating from a family with two younger sisters I've learned a few tips and tricks about wise spending habits. Therefore, I acquired a love for thrifting, and came to be a kinder human to the Earth. I grew up a PBS kids kind of kid with a never ending love for Curious George that no doubt still remains (and I will gladly accept all gently used donations towards my nostalgic collection). Among many other things, I enjoy Engineering, and therefore am excited to envelope myself in this journey towards my Certificate of Achievement in CADD Technology at the College of Southern Nevada.