Friday, February 19, 2021

On a +Positive : Desk/Work Space

With so many things being moved from in-person to online, such as schooling, and work, my desk space has endured quite the renovation. Now that I'm finding myself becoming more acquainted with my desk space, I've made sure to add some new features to it, in order to help me stay focused, relaxed, and motivated. 

In order to assist myself in radiating good energy, I've added a number of precious stones and crystals. Although some look into the meanings of each one, and the natural power they contain, I enjoy having them as accessories around my workspace to add natural beauty. Along with this I've adopted an incense waterfall, salt lamp, and a desktop water fountain. In this way I not only add some relaxing background sounds, but also some aromatherapy to the atmosphere. 

One main issue I wanted to resolve, was my constant getting up to find snacks, or something to do as I worked. Therefore I've been able to cut down on my "aimless wandering" by having a little variety of snacks, objects, and little tech necessities to keep my mind focused on whatever task is at hand. This includes kinetic sand, stress balls, clay, chargers, and stuffed animals. Keeping these little things located around my desk space minimized the number of excuses I have to wander off in search of something in order to avoid working on assignments, and provides me with all those additional tools that I'd need to keep things running fairly smoothly as I work. Even though these are some little measures I took in order to help myself adjust to schooling from home, I've been able to spot a significant difference in my work tactics.


  1. Small changes in the immediate work area yields large changes in habits and mood!

    Love the Megadesk video :-)

  2. The way you have setup your desk area sounds relaxing. My youngest daughter is also into crystals she says each one gives off different energy.

  3. I need some things like that in my life. I find myself getting distracted too easily. I would be doing one things this minute and something else the other. Simple tasks such as reading a small paragraph can take a few minutes for me due to the fact that I get distracted very easily.

  4. I could not agree more with this. Covid made it to where I really tried perfecting/enjoying my space/area. I think it's important to have a space that is not only productive, but can bring you peace.

  5. Megadesk! I love, love that episode. Thank you for posting a link to that video. You took the initiative to make your space comfortable and relaxing. That is so great. I have been looking to do the same thing, but I am not at my work or home desk enough, so I feel a little out of place to decorate. However, I'll take this as a sign. Thank you for the great ideas.

  6. My space look like hot garbage LOL. Also I think it's cool that you have crystal to help boost your energy. I used to have one a long time ago, but I later realized that it was a bad idea cause my cats would try to knock it over or try to eat it.

  7. My desk is definitely getting messier too, but I always have some things on the side to play and fidget with.

  8. My desk used to be a place that I loved to be at because I would play games with my friends and not do homework. Now I dreed sitting down now because I know that there is work that needs to be done.

  9. That is definitely a smart idea of having so many things near you. So you can concentrate at the task at hand.
